[EP #1] From Basement Haircuts to a Three-Business Serial Entrepreneur w/ Alen Karthikeyan



Join Ash & Alen in this episode where we hear the raw stories of how Alen, an immigrant to Canada, started with cutting hair in his friend’s garage to running his third business by only 20 years old.

From failures to pivots to constant adversity Alen breaks down the grit and resilience to make it as an entrepreneur.

Gaining solid insights into his biggest learnings and successes, Alen tells you about top-tier tactics and strategies he used to take his businesses from idea to consistent profit.


Connect with Alen
IG 👉 https://www.instagram.com/ak.blendz/
Website 👉 https://actev.ca/


Visit The Launch Lab Website
👉 https://www.thelaunchlabpodcast.com/


Follow Ash on Socials
👉 https://www.instagram.com/ash.lamba/
👉 https://www.instagram.com/ashtalksentrepreneurship/


[EP #2] From Six Figures to Full-Time Freedom: A Podcaster’s Leap of Faith